Window Mullions

by Dave Jones (NT32-192)

MullionsNeeding new window treatments for Sir Tugley, we decided to go with cellular blinds but wanted to keep individual blinds for each window. We considered the day/night blinds the factory uses but didn't like the look of the cords and had already installed film per one of the other Great Ideas. We found what we wanted at Home Depot but still had the problem of the blinds banging around underway. Putting clips at the bottom only works when the blinds are fully closed. After seeing a new 42 I decided to adapt the idea and designed a simpler solution.

I used 3/4" by 2 1/2" vertical cleats of teak plywood screwed to the salon walls between each window. The screws were countersunk 1 1/2". Drilling the holes in the salon wall (which is about 5/8" thick per NT) was a bit nerve-wracking and I did go too deep on one hole (a winter cosmetic repair!). The flat teak boards (5/8" by 4" with 1/8" roundover and a 1/2" radius corners) have a 1/8" dado on the backside that is a tight fit over the plywood cleats. I used three 23 ga. pins to attach the flat teak boards to the cleats but fine brads would work. (No glue was used to facilitate removal if necessary.) All wood was finished per the NT process. The finished assembly is a snug fit to the underside of the fabric valances. The only issue we had was whether to mount the blinds parallel to the seat cushions on one side and the counter on the other, or to follow the roof angle, or to match the window bottoms. We chose to follow the window bottom and set the cleats accordingly. We added a couple of 2" strips of 1/8" self adhesive foam on the back of each board as we did get some tapping in rougher seas when the blinds were fully raised.

The finished project looks great and the additional wood makes the salon look richer. If anyone wants further information please contact me at the